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Erotic massage


What is erotic massage?
How is it different from a regular massage?

👍🏻 General massage
It avoids the sensitive zones of private parts and focuses on relaxing the tiredness of body, mind and soul.

✌🏻️Erotic massage
The focus is on the private parts and sensitive zones, and the focus is on liberating the desire of body, mind and soul.

*The biggest difference between erotic massage and general massage
The difference lies in the massage technique, position, and purpose.

*Exclusive private stress relief method for modern women
Nowadays, many women use erotic massage to liberate their body, mind and soul. Through massage techniques, women can feel pleasure, relieve tension, promote the secretion of female hormones and hormones, and enhance female charm.

Erotic massage, also known as "sensual massage", is a massage technique performed by masseurs on sensitive areas to evoke inner feelings of body, mind and soul. How to establish a sense of security and intimacy with the person being massaged in a short period of time? How to achieve the liberation of body, mind and soul through massage?

Please come and experience this unparalleled sensory feast.

"Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and enjoy the happiness!"

Recommended by the master



Height and weight 179 / 75

Featured expertise
Graphic Model/Male Model Club / Gentle and considerate

Feeling in love/good at chatting / Massage carefully

Large and durable / suitable for escorts / Excellent reviews



Height and weight 175 / 75

Featured expertise

Fitness coach / caring and warm man / professional massage

Very good at picking out the skin / Very talkative / Full of service


Yang Yang

Height and weight 165 / 63

Featured expertise

Thai style dragon and phoenix tendons / private parts care / hot wax hair removal

Full body spa exfoliation​ / Twitter Ten thousand followers



Height and weight 166 / 62

Featured expertise

Professional Massage / Shallow Water Rock Climbing / Triathlon

Super boyfriend power / full of love / high degree of cooperation

More hidden masseuses

Please contact the customer service editor


​Erotic Massage

Through ingenious techniques and meticulous touches, every door of the body, mind and soul is opened. Whether you are looking for relaxation, stimulation or healing, our professional masseurs will lead you into a wonderful journey of body, mind and soul, and experience the unique charm of erotic massage.


Dating Escorts

We are committed to creating the ultimate companionship experience for you. Our escorts can make every moment full of pleasure, work hard to create an unforgettable time for you, and are wonderful companions no matter what the occasion.


​Private Hair Removal

During the private hair removal process, we strictly adhere to hygiene standards to ensure your safety and comfort. We offer hot wax hair removal methods to create the perfect results based on your preferences and needs. Let you show your most natural and comfortable state with confidence.


​Female Escort Chat

This is a heart-warming voice chat service for girls to accompany girls. Let experienced senior students help inexperienced senior students, accompany you to solve life difficulties, listen to your needs empathetically, and provide emotional support, including: sharing experiences, providing solutions, inspiring courage and increasing Confidence...etc.


Yoni Massage

Grabbing glutinous rice tendons is quite popular in Thailand. Since women were given the important responsibility of reproduction in ancient times, it was a secret therapy exclusive to royal women at that time. It mainly targeted the conditioning of the female reproductive system, such as menstrual pain, waist and abdominal discomfort, and endocrine adjustment. It was helpful for women's health care, to improve female function, lose weight, and rejuvenate. and enhance fertility for the purpose.


​Private Hair Removal

During the private hair removal process, we strictly adhere to hygiene standards to ensure your safety and comfort. We offer hot wax hair removal methods to create the perfect results based on your preferences and needs. Let you show your most natural and comfortable state with confidence.


BDSM training

Experienced BDSM training services will take you into the ultimate state of pleasure. Our professional training will create an extremely exciting and safe experience for you. Our careful and thoughtful arrangements ensure that every moment is full of excitement, safety and satisfaction.

Service process

< Reservation Steps >

1. Please join the editor’s LINE: @142hyyhe.

2. Inform the editor what you want to make an appointment: service items, date, time and location.

3. Please inform the editor in advance if you have any special needs, and we will try our best to meet you.

Please don’t be shy and feel free to ask any questions you may have. Feel free to contact us at any time.

< Content Process >

Bathing (lazy bath, disabled bath)

You can accompany or help with washing, and will thoughtfully prepare private parts cleaning gel for women.

Back full body massage

Dry Pressure/Oil Massage/Essential Oil SPA

* remind:

Different masseurs have slightly different procedures and contents. You can communicate with the editor in advance or communicate with the masseur immediately during the service. You can freely adjust the content and time of the service to meet your personal needs.

We look forward to providing you with a pleasant and erotic massage experience.

Front full body massage

breasts/belly/private parts


According to your needs

security measures


Security protection

Safety protection is provided throughout the entire process, allowing customers to experience the experience with peace of mind.


Regular physical examination

Masseurs will conduct regular safety tests every three months to ensure that all are negative, allowing customers to have a safe and worry-free experience.


Help clients bathe themselves

During the service, we will personally help customers bathe. In addition to the atmosphere, we also ensure each other's hygiene.


Customized and diversified services

Every guest is unique and we focus on individual needs and provide customized massage services. Whether you are looking to relieve stress or find balance between mind, body and soul, we will provide the most suitable massage style based on your expectations.


Professional massage techniques

Our masseuses are skilled in a variety of massage techniques and understand the body's neurological responses. They will use professional skills and comfortable massage oil to provide you with the ultimate physical and mental pleasure.



We extremely respect the privacy of our guests and all services are conducted in a safe and confidential environment. You can relax and enjoy a private and erotic massage experience in peace of mind.

Welcome to make an appointment LINE: @142hyyhe

Cooperation contact LINE iLoveLadyLand

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